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This space is created to support you with tips, tools, and healing resources to help you create authentic and joyful lives. My goal is to provide free guidance for you and your loved ones during exciting and challenging seasons of life.

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 Love & Light,

Latest on the Blog

SELF-CARE: Somatic Experiencing 101: A Body-First Approach to Healing from Trauma + FREE Self-Care Time Hacker

You might know from your own personal experience that the wound created by a traumatic event isn’t something that exists solely in the mind. It can also be present in the body.

That’s why when you’re consciously or unconsciously reminded of a traumatic event from your past, you might not just feel panicked or become hyperaware of your surroundings. Instead, you might also notice that your muscles have tensed up, your breathing has become rapid, your palms feel sweaty, and your stomach feels like it’s in knots.

So if trauma can reside in both the mind and body, what does this mean for treating it and healing from it?

Many therapies that are used to help people heal from trauma acknowledge the mind-body connection in trauma. But they’re what we call “top-down approaches.” This simply means that the therapy uses a client’s cognitive skills to access and process traumatic memories and the feelings associated with them. The idea is that...

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SELF-CARE: How We Unknowingly Store Trauma in Our Mind and Body + FREE Self-Love Weekly Planner

Why can it be so challenging to heal from trauma (especially when you don’t have the right tools and support)?

As I mentioned in a recent post, one key obstacle is that many of us aren’t aware of how common trauma is and that we may very well be carrying it around ourselves. And of course, when you don’t know that you’ve experienced trauma, it’s pretty hard to address it and heal from it.

But another big obstacle is that we often have an oversimplified understanding of why traumatic events continue to affect our lives long after they’re over.

You see, many of us tend to think that if trauma is affecting our happiness, life, or relationships, it’s because the traumatic event was so jarring that we can’t stop thinking about it and we’re constantly distracted by it. As a result, we might think that if we just tell ourselves to stop thinking about the traumatic event, we’ll “get over it” and be able to move on with...

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SELF-CARE: Why You Might Be a Trauma Survivor—And Not Even Know It + FREE Self-Love Weekly Planner

I have a question for you: have you experienced trauma in your life?

When you read my question, you might have almost automatically thought, “No, I don’t think so.”

And that’s because many of us tend to believe that trauma is something relatively rare that someone experiences if they’re involved in a violent crime, a natural disaster, or a major accident.

But the reality is that you can experience trauma even if you haven’t been assaulted, seriously injured in a car accident, or lived in a warzone.

Because trauma isn’t something that we experience only in response to “extreme” situations and experiences.

Instead, it’s something that nearly all of us have likely experienced at some point in our lives. And unless we’ve done deep inner work to address it, it may still be affecting our physical health, our happiness, and our relationships today.

So, is it possible that you’re a trauma survivor and don’t even...

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SELF-CARE: 8 Signs a Relationship Isn’t Right for You & It’s Time to Let Go + FREE My Personal Compass Worksheet

Loving someone who won’t change can be incredibly tough. On the one hand, you really care about them and want to keep them in your life. But on the other hand, the relationship often leaves you feeling drained, resentful, disappointed, sad, and maybe even angry.

In recent weeks, I’ve shared how you can navigate a relationship like this in a healthy way. And I’ve chatted about ways to maintain your relationship with your loved one while nixing or at least reducing the stress that it may be creating for you.

But what if the relationship is really taking its toll on you?

What if you don’t really look forward to spending time with your loved one?

What if you just can’t look past the things they do that really bother you or that you don’t agree with?

Or what if having them in your life is starting to eat away at your mental health or affect other areas of your life?

Are these just a “normal” part of having a challenging relationship with...

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SELF-CARE: Why We Try So Hard to Change the People We Love (Even Though We Can’t) + FREE Self-Care Time Hacker

No matter how much you want to, you can’t change someone you love.

You’ve seen me talk about this on my blog. And you’ve probably heard it from someone else in your life too.

But you might still think, “My situation is different. Because I just KNOW that if I try hard enough or stick with it long enough, I can get my loved one to change. And then everything will be better.”

My dear, if that thought has run through your mind even while reading my post about why you can’t change other people, I don’t blame you.

Because I know from my own experience that our desire to change someone we love can be so, so strong.

In fact, it can be so strong that even when we’re told that we can’t change our loved one, we might still believe that we’re the exception or that our relationship is the exception. We might think that even if other people usually can’t change their loved one, we can. (And if we believe in it so much, surely we...

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SELF-CARE: How to Love Someone Who Won’t Change & Keep Your Happiness + FREE Self-Care Time Hacker

Being in a relationship with someone who won’t change isn’t easy.

If you’ve ever experienced it, you know that it can be exhausting, frustrating, and painful. It can also make you feel sad—for what your loved one used to be like or could be like, for the lost potential of your relationship, and for what you’re not getting from them.

But do you know what makes it even harder?

Feeling stuck and confused about how to navigate the relationship.

My ex-husband had a drug addiction, and we ended up falling into a codependent relationship as a result.

This would have been a challenging situation under the best of circumstances. But it was even harder for me because there were some things that I didn’t know at the time about how to navigate challenging relationships in a healthy way.

For example, I didn’t know that when I was around my ex, I was better off focusing on what I COULD control than on what I couldn’t. (Read my previous post to learn...

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SELF-CARE: What Do I Do When Someone I Love Won’t Change? + FREE Self-Care Time Hacker

Have you ever had someone in your life who you desperately wanted to change? Or have you ever been in a relationship where you’d often say to yourself, “If I just wait a little bit longer, encourage them more, or try harder, they will finally change and everything will be better”?

My dear, having a relationship like this in your life is exhausting, and I get it.

And I can tell you that your experience definitely isn’t unique because I’ve been there myself.

In fact, many of us have someone in our life who does something that bothers us on an ongoing basis—whether it’s someone who chronically violates boundaries, is emotionally closed off or unavailable, has a quick temper, or engages in self-destructive behaviors.

In my case, this person was a romantic partner. But it can be anyone we love and care about, such as a parent, sibling, child, extended relative, or friend.

When we have someone like this in our life, it can be really tricky....

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SELF-CARE: 4 Boundaries You Need With Your Parents When You’re in a Relationship + FREE My Personal Compass Worksheet

Did you catch what I shared in my previous blog post—the one about how to set healthy boundaries with your parents?

In that post, I shared that for a long time, I didn’t know that my relationship with my parents lacked healthy boundaries. And I didn’t understand that the relationship and my own well-being were suffering as a result.

I’ve also shared with you before that it’s important to know the signs that your relationship with your parents lacks healthy boundaries. Because it’s only once you realize that these boundaries are missing that you can work toward putting them in place and enjoying a healthier and less stressful relationship.

But here’s what some of you might be thinking:

My parents do give me unsolicited advice or call me out of the blue all the time. Up until this point, though, I haven’t really set any boundaries with them about it because it seemed easier to just put up with it. But now I have a romantic partner. He...

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SELF-CARE: How to FINALLY Set Healthy Boundaries With Your Parents (Without Chickening Out Again) + FREE My Personal Compass Worksheet

I have a confession to make: I really enjoy talking to you about setting healthy boundaries with parents.


Because it’s a topic that’s near and dear to my heart.

If you’ve read my blog posts before, you might know that I used to lack healthy boundaries in my relationship with my parents.

You see, when I was growing up, I was taught to place the needs of the people around me, especially my family, above my own. So I pretty much always said “yes” to my parents, did what they wanted me to do, and let them call the shots.

And for a long time, I didn’t even realize that our relationship had this dynamic because it lacked healthy boundaries. (If you’re wondering whether YOUR relationship with your parents needs better boundaries, check for these 7 signs.)

However, even once I knew that I needed to put better boundaries in place with my parents, I had a hard time setting them.

One of the reasons why I struggled was because I thought that by...

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SELF-CARE: 7 Signs You Need Better Boundaries With Your Parents + FREE My Personal Compass Worksheet

As a therapist, I have clients coming to me with a wide range of issues and challenges.

But there’s one issue that pops up more frequently than almost any other: setting boundaries.

As I’ve said before, boundaries are an essential ingredient for a healthy relationship. Just like you can’t make an egg omelet without eggs, you can’t have a healthy relationship without boundaries.

The challenge is that it can be scary and uncomfortable to set boundaries, especially if you’re not used to doing it.

And as I know from my own life and the experiences of my clients, boundaries can be downright daunting when you need to set them as an adult with your parents.


Because think about it:

If you’re like most people, your relationship with your parents is probably the one that has changed the most over the course of your life.

When you were born, your parents were 100% responsible for you. They made every decision for you, including what to eat, what to...

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