7 Steps to Fully Embrace 2020 + FREE Intentions Worksheet

Dec 02, 2019

Wow, can you believe that it’s already 2020??? Last year flew by so quickly for me. And I bet it did for you too. 

However, the beginning of a new year always reminds me to reflect on old goals and make new ones. What about you? What seeds of intention will you plant for the forthcoming year so you can embrace 2020 and all the opportunity it holds? 

To be clear, I’m not talking about “classic” New Year’s resolutions here. I’m talking about what your deepest and most heartfelt desires are. What are your dreams and visions? What changes are you thinking about making in your relationships, your health, your finances, your career, your lifestyle, or your spirituality? 

The intentions you hold and the foundations you build NOW will set the tone for the journey ahead and will control the flow of energy in your life over the next few years. 

Whatever you can dream, you can create! Your future begins now! 

Turning Your Focus Inward to Embrace 2020

Your future doesn’t depend much on external circumstances in your life. It’s easy to think to yourself “If I get more money, then I will…” or “If I live in a different area, then I’ll be happier” or “If he/she changes, then everything will be better.” These beliefs may be true to some extent. 

But here’s the thing: when we focus on external circumstances or on trying to change others, we give our power away. In these moments, we forget that we have the power to create the life we desire, that our power lies WITHIN us and not somewhere else. 

Where your energy and focus go, that’s the experience you’ll have. In other words, when your focus is on things that aren’t going well in your life, trying to change them or hoping that they will change may not give you the results you’re hoping for. 

It’s the same as waking up in the morning after getting 4 hours of sleep and saying to yourself, “Great. My day is going to be a disaster!” When this happens, you’re probably desperate to have an easy day and feel rested, energized, and motivated. But when you start your day with “Ah, my day is totally ruined!”, what kind of day do you think you’re going to have? 


Planting the Seeds of Opportunity to Embrace 2020

Most of you worked very hard in 2019. Many of you began to cultivate healthy and vital space for planting the seeds of future opportunity. Some of you even removed obstacles, beliefs, and bad habits that might inhibit the growth of these precious seeds. But have you banished everything that didn’t serve your highest good? Did you declutter, cleanse, detox, and prepare the fertile ground in which you can plant a forest of healthy trees that will be bursting with love, abundance, and vitality? 

Regardless of your approach in 2019, know that in this moment, you hold in your hand the seeds of your future—you have a whole forest of dreams ready to plant! Imagine what just one tree in your forest will look like in 5 years’ time. The seed may be small now—but let yourself think big for a moment. Tap into your heart space and feel the love of your glowing future within you. And while you’re there, nurture the knowledge and wisdom that every grand and majestic tree grows from a tiny seed, just like the one you’re holding now.

In short…

You Have the POWER to CHOOSE What You Want to CREATE in Your Life. [click to Tweet] 

Clarifying and Committing to Your Vision

Some people in your life might tell you that your dreams aren’t possible. Even the old voice in your head may undermine your vision. But you can overpower that voice, and you can wave goodbye to the naysayers. It all starts with a desire and willingness to create a different life for yourself. 

If you’re like me, you probably automatically think “well, how am I going to achieve this?” Let’s put the how aside for now and allow ourselves to first clarify your wishes and desires. What kind of tree would you like to grow? What does your tree look like? Smell like? Does your tree grow any fruit? 

Whatever the shape or form of your tree, it’s your tree—your grand vision. That’s all that matters. Setting aside time for self-reflection may help you clarify your goals and get a sense of what you might experience when your dreams come true. 

This way, you can plant your seed of opportunity with love, hope, and dreams for your future rather than with fears and worries. If you pour compassion on this tree and you nurture it with all your energy, your life will unfold in joy, kindness, and happiness. 

Of course, the winds of change and the storms of life may arrive. But you can decide now to be ready to face any challenges that may threaten your tree. You know that there are no guarantees in life, but you can decide to be ready NOW. One thing that’s very important to recognize is that you’re not planting this tree just so you can see the end result—a tall, majestic tree. You’re walking along the path of growth and change, and you’re ready to become the best version of yourself.  

Embrace 2020 to Create the Life You Want

When you decide to move beyond old patterns, beyond conditioning and self-sabotaging behaviors, you set aside past hurts and fears. This grants you the freedom to choose a blissful life and to embrace 2020 by creating the life and relationships you want. Your journey begins with intention, and each thought you think and each step you take from this day forward will lead you to your bright future, filled with new beginnings, new possibilities, and new awakenings. 

I’ve helped many people do just that—get to the core, clarify their dreams and goals, and create a much happier and healthier future. And you know? I can do it for you too. 

Let me know if I can guide you towards realizing your true potential and creating a healthy, happy, and successful life, career, or relationship. Until then, here are the 7 steps to fully embrace 2020 and begin your new amazing journey. 


The Seven Steps to Embrace 2020

  1. Do things that nurture you and spark your creativity. What energizes you? What brings you joy? What puts a smile on your face?
  2. Follow your passion and take conscious steps towards your goals. Release the need to be attached to outcomes. 
  3. Be flexible. Trust that divine timing is unfolding and that all is exactly how it is supposed to be right here, right now. 
  4. Be you. Let go of the need to live up to the expectations of others. 
  5. Follow your calling with all your uniqueness. This is your life, your journey, and your life’s path and purpose. Be true to yourself, and live your life for you.
  6. Believe that you were destined for greatness. Give yourself permission to spread your wings and fly! 
  7. Step up! Staying small doesn’t serve you or anyone around you. Shine your light! Share it with the world around you!



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