Has anyone ever told you to “just be yourself?” Have you ever really questioned what that really means? What does that look and feel like?
The reason this may feel foreign to you is like many of us, we grew up with an inflicted idea of how our life should be and how it should turn out. From a young age we were told what the requirements are for the perfect life, such as going to school, getting an education, finding a full-time job, making money, find a significant other, get married, have kids and a perfect family.
Because we know no other, in order to achieve what we feel will bring us fulfillment, joy and happiness we do whatever it takes to try to achieve this false dream. We put everyone’s needs before our own, we keep ourselves exhausted, busy and stressed. We try to “keep up with the joneses” by working harder to gain more tangible items, see our family less and at the end of the day we’re too tired to invest in the important relationships around us, especially with ourselves.
So if you feel like you don’t know what it means to “just be yourself”, you’re not alone.
But what if I told you that everyone has the solution and potential to tap inside themselves, get in tune with their mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual self to bring them into alignment with the truth of who they really are. They are then able to discover what their passions, purpose, desires and values are, and begin to live life daily by consciously making decisions that align with these truths and with their authentic self. When you reconnect with your true self and reclaim it as a navigation system for your life, you start living authentically and that’s what I will show you in my new freebie; The Ultimate Starter Kit to Living Authentically.
When you want to find out who you really are, you need to start asking yourself the hard questions that get deep into your core.
Questions like; Are you working and living from your higher self, your truth and your power?
Do you accept love and honor in your life? If so, how do you truly accept them?
Do you listen to your inner thoughts and needs to find your true power within and live from that place every day?
We continue day after day to strive for the false happiness only to feel more lost in an ever looping mundane routine that leaves us feeling more alone and unhappy at the end of the day.
Your real self has been discouraged by society, religion, and family. At home and at work, you are expected to act a certain way, to look a certain way, and to hold certain standards of yourself from the people around you. But what about your own needs and values?
When you reach deep down and take the time to truly discover what your own beliefs, values, and needs are you will discover your authentic self. You will start to attract meaningful relationships. You will find happiness and gravitate towards what drives you and makes you feel fulfilled and energized at the end of the day. You’ll start to see your own values, passions and desires manifest in your daily life. You Have the POWER to LIVE Your Authentic Self and Be WHO You Want to Be.
If you feel like there is a piece of you missing, a feeling of unhappiness and a knowing that there is more out there for you, it’s time that you invest the time in discovering and learning who your true, authentic self is and what your purpose is.
To start this process here are three ways you can begin to live your authentic self.
This may seem like a simple concept, but if you have been living your life to make everyone around you happy and conform to what you were conditioned to do since a child, you probably do not know what being you is. Start by letting go of trying to make everyone happy, and go about one full day of doing only what you want to do. Then follow that by another day and another, continually.
Finding your authentic self requires focusing inward for a while. This will help you to discover what your own beliefs, values, and needs are. Write them down in a journal. This process might seem simple but it can be difficult for people that have spent most of their life focused on other people’s needs. Also, work on distancing yourself from people that use you or don’t accept your true self when it shines through.
Our family and society conditions us from a young age on their requirements of what they think is the perfect life. They tell us how to act, what to wear, what to say, and what to be as we grow up. Take some time to go back and identify what you were told as a child what the perfect dream life was and how people act who have it. Write it down if it helps you and then re-write your own thoughts on what that perfect life feels like to you. How you would like to dress and act. What your own values are and what is important to you in your life.
If you’d like to learn more ways to start tapping into your true needs, desires, and goals, so that you can start living the life that YOU want, then I invite you to take the time and the journey to self discovery, truth, power and authenticity with this FREE Download of The Ultimate Starter Kit to Living Authentically, below.