So Here’s The Big Question:
Is the way that YOU and YOUR PARTNER approach conflict in your relationship bringing you closer together or driving you further and further apart?
to discover your Relationship Conflict Status
 (and how it’s affecting your relationship).

Just a few notes from Vera...Â
Some conflict in a relationship is normal. After all, when two people with different needs, dreams, and preferences share their lives, it’s inevitable that they’ll have an argument or disagreement sooner or later.
That’s why it isn’t the presence of conflict in your relationship that determines whether you have a healthy connection that’s full of love. Instead, what matters is how you handle conflict when it pops up.
If you and your partner manage conflict from a place of love and understanding, conflict can strengthen your relationship and increase intimacy between the two of you.
But if you approach conflict from a place of anger, resentment, or ego, it doesn’t just make daily life with each other unpleasant and more stressful. It also takes a toll on the two of you, your relationship, and your family.
Discover more options to THRIVINGÂ relationships and LIVINGÂ life more fully